Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,

Thursday, August 30, 2018

God Is Greater!

"Behold, the Lord God will come with might, with His arm ruling for Him. Behold, His reward is with Him and His recompense before Him."
                                                             Isaiah 40:10

Their Holy City was in ruins. The Israelites were weak and helpless compared to the nations that surrounded them. They had rebelled against God and had suffered great humiliation and chastening from the Lord. Their challenges were great and their resources were few. This is when Isaiah, the prophet stepped in and told them to take their eyes off their circumstances and focus on the greatness of their God, who loves them dearly and promises to do great things for them. Isaiah said, "Be not afraid! Behold your God!" (Isaiah 40:9).

For 9 whole chapters, Isaiah describes the greatness of God in three different areas of our lives. He stated emphatically that God is greater than our circumstances. Passionately, he adds that God is greater than our fears. Determinedly, he states that God is also greater than our enemies.

Okay, so this is where I stop and hit the pause button. Here was a nation that was in desolation, surrounded by armies of other nations, including the strongest power of them all, which was Babylon. They didn't have resources, and, in the natural, they didn't stand a chance. That is, until you add God into the equation.

I don't know if you have ever been in a situation like this, but I would have to imagine your knees might be shaking a little if you were. Oh, you might put on a brave face, but surely there are a thousand thoughts that would flood through your mind. Surely, you would recognize the fact that this is where the rubber meets the road. Is God who He really says He is? Will He really do what He says He will do? This is a crossroad that you must decide which path your faith will follow.

If I believe that God is really greater than my circumstances, I must believe that He is bigger than the circumstances behind me, before me, and within me. When the Israelites looked behind them, they saw failure and sinned I am quite sure they were desperate for an encouraging word. God answered their distress with mercy and forgiveness and explained to them that even though He had chastened them that He also deeply loved them and they were still His children.

God also promised them that He was with them as they repaired the ruins and that they could trust Him. His plans were for restoration and for preparing the way for Jesus to come. Even though they probably did not understand the depth of all that God was doing, if they focused on Him, they would have peace to complete their tasks. They could also be confident in all the promises of God. Ultimately, God promised that His glory would be revealed.

When the Israelites looked at all that needed to be accomplished before them, it had to be a very daunting challenge. There were few of them in number and they faced a long and difficult journey. Already, they had experienced defeats from Assyria, Babylon and Persia, and it must have appeared to them that the pagan gods of the Gentiles were kicking their behinds. And yet, God is greater than it all. When we view things from this correct perspective, we will see that He is drawing us near to reveal His greatness to us. This is a very personal and sweet part of the process.

When the Israelites surveyed the circumstances within themselves, their true hearts were revealed. They complained to God that He was asking the impossible of them and telling him they did not have the strength to accomplish what was set before them. As if God were unaware of what was happening, or at the very least apathetic, their complaining kept them from seeing His provisions and concern for what they were experiencing. If, instead, they would have meditated on His character and promises they would have had more strength and encouragement and would have exchanged their weaknesses for His power.

It was during this time that the Israelites had to accurately assess their fears. Since all their senses were heightened due to their circumstances, there was a much better opportunity to truly survey the things that caused them fear. There was no possibility of sweeping things under the rug right now because the situations were too chaotic to subdue them by merely managing or controlling them. In fact, God had increased the heat so that the dross would have no choice but bubble up to the top. And, bubble up is what they did.

There is always a moment (that feels like an eternity) between the time that we see the urgency of our situation and we witness the provision that God has already set in motion. It is as if we are blind and trying to feel our way through a dark room. However, it is in this moment that God reveals to us what it is that we are REALLY trusting in. Is it Him? Is it ourselves? Is it others? The answer to this question is vital to our spiritual growth. Will we give God access to truly be greater than our fears?

To see that God is greater than our enemies means that we have to walk out our journey until He gives us victory over them. Often, they can be loud and obnoxious in the interim. When this happened to the Israelites, God said to them 5 times, "I Am the Lord, and there is none else" (Isaiah 45:5-6, 14, 18, 21-22, 46:9). None else. None else. None else. None else. None else.

We have to know that we know that NOTHING is greater than God. Not our circumstances. Not our fears. Not our enemies. Not ANYTHING!

This story ended well for the Israelites. God used King Cyrus to destroy Babylon, and their many idols. God delivered His people and they returned to Israel. He refined them, prepared them for their future work and did great things for them.

Chances are, if you are going through difficult circumstances, that this is what God is also doing for you. How I wish that this was an instantaneous process, but it has never been for me. Often, God is revealing a hidden fear or challenging me on things in which I am holding too tightly. His goal is always to bring me to a place of total trust in him and prove once again that He truly is Greater than all that concerns me. He really never has failed me yet, and I am confident He never will!

"God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile."
                                                      Max Lucado

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