Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Standing In The Gap For Our Nation

"Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from Your commands and laws."
                                                        Daniel 9:4-5

It seems like these last two weeks have been an opportunity for many of us to take a "timeout" to really evaluate the true state of our nation as we wait helplessly for the Covid-19 plague to abate. For two days during this time our cable and internet were out, so I really had time to pray and meditate on the things that were currently taking place. Even with this extra time on hand, I still realized about myself that I was not nearly as faithful in my prayers as this time warrants for believers in Christ to be. I found that it is still very easy in my life to get distracted from the truly important things. However, I press on.

 There are, however, true heroes in our faith that show us examples for how to stand in the gap for our nation and for what is happening inside of it. These are people who fasted, prayed, and repented on behalf of their nations when they saw that their people had wandered far from God. These are people who stood up and took leadership roles in interceding on behalf of those they so dearly loved. Some of these include: Elijah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, and Ezra. These are the people who inspire me in my faith.

Now, in case you happen to be one of the naysayers that doubts our country's departure from the commandments of God, let me simply give you two examples that are occurring today. The first example is that despite social distancing regulations and regulations to stop all elective surgeries because of the shortage of PPE (personal protective equipment) and ventilators, abortion clinics around the nation are still operating on a full-steam basis. From my knowledge, there is only one U.S. Governor (Greg Abbott) who is enforcing these regulations in his state with abortion clinics, even though it had to go through both a federal court that blocked his ban and then the Fifth Circuit court that upheld his ban.

In simpler terms, this means that while, on the one hand, we say we are advocating for every life against Covid-19; on the other hand, we continue to slay the unborn, utilizing essential products to keep our healthcare workers safe during this pandemic in which we find ourselves. At the time of this writing, the daily death toll from abortion in terms of babies killed still exceeds the daily death toll from COVID-19. How far we have fallen as a nation! How skewed are these priorities?

The second example I would give right now is the example of Samaritan's Purse setting up Medical tents and services in New York to assist with the harrowing crisis there. They have now set up a sixty-bed emergency field hospital to treat severely ill people with the Covid-19 virus. Despite decades of exceptional work that Samaritan's Purse has done around the world without a single scandal, some people in New York appealed to Governor Cuomo to make them leave because of perceived bigotry.

This perceived bigotry is based on statements that Franklin Graham has made about marriage only being between a man and a woman and his statements that Islam is a religion that seeks to destroy Christianity and its tenets. Opponents to Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse also fear that they will try to proselytize patients, instead of merely treating their illness. Andrew Walker, a professor at Southern Baptist Seminary tweeted about this harassment. He said, "Cultural decadence is allowing intersectionality to determine acceptability of emergency response." Much of our nation has lost sight of the fact that God is the One who has protected us and blessed us in so many ways.

These truths are beyond comprehension. Therefore, I would submit, that is is well past the time for followers of Christ to stand up and be counted. This is an intense spiritual battle and we need to fight it on our knees like never before. And, God has even allowed many of our distractions to be removed like school, sports, shopping, entertainment, and restaurants to assist us in this pursuit.

God is good, and He is just, and He will honor our prayers. If we put Him first during this time, it is my belief that Covid-19 will be defeated and He will be glorified. In many ways, President Trump is trying to honor God by praying, seeking spiritual counsel, and calling for a national day to pray for our country. These are all honorable things, but our president also needs to be supported by the prayers of the people during this crucial period of time. It is my prayer that God will raise up the Elijah's, Jeremiah's, Daniel's, Esther's, Nehemiah's, and Ezra's in our land to stand in the gap, too.

When Daniel prayed the prayer that is mentioned above, He did not pray for a few hours or even for a day. No, he persisted and persisted for three weeks until the Lord responded to his prayers. He repented on behalf of himself and on behalf of his people. He touched God's heart and God even sent Michael, the archangel, to appear to Daniel and respond to what he had prayed. Michael showed Daniel what was to come for both Israel and the Israelites, not just in their generation but through the end of time on earth.

In other words, what God was accomplishing through Daniel was bigger than Daniel probably understood at that time. Daniel went on to prophesy what Michael had shown him for what will happen prophetically for Israel in the last days. That means that every generation subsequent to Daniel has been blessed by the revelation God gave to him.

It is my opinion that we, too, are at a critically important juncture of time. We must not only repent on behalf of the sins in our nation, but we must also confess then things we know to be true according to God's word. Confession literally means that we come into agreement with the things that God is saying. And, we can kn ow what He is speaking to us by reading the Bible and spending time in prayer and in His presence.

As a people and as a nation, we have been abundantly blessed. That is one thing I realize in greater measure today because of Covid-19. We have daily freedoms that many nations will never comprehend and they are given to us so that we can use them to advance God's kingdom on earth. It is my prayer that we will allow our current circumstances to change us for the better and to draw us closer to the heart of God.

This week, I want to encourage you to read the prayer in Daniel, Chapter Nine, and pray that prayer over your family and our nation. Also, read Nehemiah's prayer in Chapter Nine and do the same. we desperately need a revival in this land, and it must first start with the followers of Christ. If we step up right now in this season, it is my belief that we will see God do amazing things!

            Blessings To Each of You, and to your families, and to America!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Helpless And Hopeful

"Lord, God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven, and do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? Power and might are in your hand, and no one can stand against you...
If disaster comes upon us- sword or judgment, pestilence or famine- we will stand before this temple and before you, for your name is in this temple. We will cry out to you because of our distress, and you will hear and deliver."
                                                          2 Chronicles 20:6;9

This past week has been unimaginable to me as I have watched the events play out at an almost breakneck speed. While I had not even heard about Covid-19 at the end of 2019, it now seems as if it popped up out of nowhere and started knocking on our front door. Having a husband who is working on the front lines as a physician also makes this almost a surreal experience. Except that it is not a scene out of a sci-fi show. It is real and it is menacing in so many ways to so many around the globe.

When you listen to the daily press conferences that President Trump has done, you can hear the frenzied questions posed by the reporters and the anxiety that is felt is almost palpable. We have also witnessed news stories where people are fighting over items in the stores and where grocery shelves are emptied out. To walk into a Sam's or a Costco and see no toilet paper or paper towels, as well as many empty shelves, is such a weird thing and definitely not anything I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. Many people around the globe are panicked because they are experiencing uncertainties that they have never before experienced.

Certainly this is how King Jehosaphat must have felt when he learned that Judah was suddenly surrounded by many hostile enemies. The armies that had come against their nation were far more than Judah could defeat in their own strength, and yet, Jehosaphat knew just what to do. He knew that their nation needed to seek God for His help and deliverance and that God is more than able to do what they, themselves, could not do.

Jehosaphat called for his nation to fast and pray and to seek God's face. He prayed, "For we have no power against this great multitude that is coming against us; nor did we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You" (2 Chronicles 20:12). Jehosaphat recognized their helplessness in this situation, but he also knew from previous experience, when God extended his life, where to turn for help.

When I think and pray about what is happening in the earth right now, it occurs to me that God has given the world a global timeout. Think about the purpose in mind when you give your three year old a timeout. You give them a timeout either because they have blatantly disobeyed things that you have told them to do or because they are being selfish or have skewed priorities that you are trying to rectify. As a parent, it is the most loving thing to call for a timeout to give them a few moments to reconsider what they are doing (or not doing) for their greater good.

Please don't misunderstand this. I am not saying that God caused Covid-19. What I am saying is that He has allowed a global timeout for us to reconsider our ways. And in the midst of all these uncertainties, He is calling us back to Himself and to the things that He has called us to do. He is trying to get the world's attention to show us that there are more important things at hand that need to be considered.

In fact, God loves us so much that He will allow us the time to look at our lives and our priorities to really decide what the important things are. Could this be why at this moment in our country that shopping, eating out, March madness, hockey, baseball, schools, bars, movie theaters, plays, broadway shows, and even churches are being cancelled? It is as if everything has been stripped from us in an instant and we are being told to even be socially distant from one another. Is that not how a timeout works?

What we do at this moment in history is extremely important. Back to the three year old analogy. If we humble ourselves, repent for our personal sins and the sins of this nation, and seek God's face, we will be the better for what we are experiencing. If, however, we merely wait for this to abate and return to life as it previously was, I would submit to you that things will become even more difficult for us. We only ignore the warnings of God at our own peril.

In the Old Testament, when God disciplined Jacob for lying, deceiving, and a lack of character, Jacob responded by turning to God and humbling himself. He ultimately learned how to depend more and more upon God. By the time Jacob was on his deathbed, he was worshipping God and blessing his children and grandchildren. Prayer and worship became Jacob's priorities after most of his life had been spent manipulating others to get his own way.

It occurs to me today that we have been so blessed in this nation for so long that we are not even  familiar with many of the trials and hardships that other nations have to face on a daily basis. I have to admit that for as long as I've gone to the grocery, I have never really considered how those shelves have stayed fully stocked for all these years. I honestly never really stopped to thank God for all the hands that have worked to even make that possible for us.

It is beginning to dawn on me just how many blessings that I have taken for granted in my life. By the time this Covid-19 chapter is behind us as a nation, it is my prayer that we will emerge as a people that is more prayerful. More obedient to God. More grateful. More worshipful. More dependent upon God. More repentant. And more powerful in Christ.

It is also my prayer that we will realize how helpless we are and how powerful God really is. He can stop this Covid-19 with a single word. He can heal every person that is infected right now and in the future. He can instantaneously give us a cure or a vaccine, or both. He is more powerful than we give Him credit for and more loving than we can even imagine.

Our world is getting darker just like the Bible prophesied that it would. All of these things that we are seeing is a preview of things that will happen in the world during the Tribulation. While the church is still here on the earth, it is time for us to rise up and shine brighter than ever before. Daniel said, "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever" (Daniel 12:3).

Today, let us recognize our limitations as people, as well as the power of our God. If we believe that our time on this earth is short and that the return of Christ is imminent, let us minister to and love others with the passion and fervor of a church on fire. As followers of Christ, let us understand with clarity what our purpose really is and find ways to strengthen and encourage others to do the same. We have peace and hope within us and it is now imperative that we share that with as many other people as we can!

                       Blessings To Each One Of You And Your Families!!!

P.S. I would like to thank President Trump and Governor Bill Lee for calling for Prayer for our nation. These men exemplify the truth of what needs to be happening in our country right now.
I also want to thank V.P. Mike Pence and Ben Carson for their godly example to us right now too.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Promises of God That Require Perseverance

"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."
                                                                Hebrews 10:36

One of the ministries that I am blessed to serve in is a healing group that studies the Bible related to a particular area of brokenness that women need, and have often struggled underneath the weight of, for years and even decades. In the majority of cases these women are Christian women who love God and yet have found that certain promises of God have remained elusive to them despite their efforts to draw close to Him. By the time that most of these women reach out to us, they have typically experienced much heartache and have decided that this brokenness is keeping them from the best that God has for their lives. It is in this quest for more of God that the decision is finally made to overcome the barriers that have held them back.

One of the things that I have learned in this study is that there are two types of perseverance in which we can be involved: 1. There is a passive perseverance that simply allows us to survive, and 2. There is an active perseverance that will allow us to thrive. And, it is in thriving that God desires for each of us and that Jesus died for us to have. Both of these methods require energy and endurance and yet only the active perseverance will ultimately lead to victory in our lives and the fulfillment of all that God has promised to us.

Merriam-Webster defines perseverance as "continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition: the action or condition or an instance of persevering: steadfastness; to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counter influences, opposition, or discouragement." What this definition says to me is that to truly persevere, it must be an intentional, active decision that continues until we see the promises of God come to fruition in our lives. Endurance measures our stamina or persistence while perseverance continues to act without regard to discouragement, opposition, or previous failure.

It is a passive perseverance that leads to discouragement, deception, and failure. Whereas, an active perseverance leads us to victory and the fulfillment of all of God's promises to us. Just to be clear, if the waiting time is extended for a long period of time, it is possible to vacillate between a passive and an active approach. Our ultimate goal, however, is to continue to grow in our faith and not vacillate between the two.

Just think about the people in the Bible who waited for extended period of times for the fulfillment of God"s promises:
                          Abraham and Sarah waited 24 years to have the baby God promised them

                          Moses waited 40 years in the desert to help emancipate his people

                          Noah waited 100 years while he was building the ark

                          Joseph waited 13 years in Egypt before God promoted him

                          David waited 13 long, difficult years being pursued by Saul before he
                          became King

All of these people continued to believe the promises that God had given to them while they waited. Which, honestly, is a very hard thing to do, especially living in a "microwave" society. Sarah exemplifies what not to do while we wait and that is to try to take things into our own hands instead of waiting for God to act on our behalf. Not trusting God to move or not trusting in His timing only leads to much additional angst and heartache and will never shorten the length of time in which we wait.

Perseverance requires patience. And, patience is what gives us the power to wait until we finally see the outcome. Patience is a powerful fruit of the Holy Spirit and is not utilized very often in our culture today. (Full disclosure: I absolutely hate waiting but am trying to improve in this area!) And, even worse yet, it is tribulation that cultivates this much needed fruit of the Spirit.

All of this then begs the question: How do we actively persevere according to the Word of God?

                      1.Acknowledge all your needs before God. Examples are: strength, courage, etc.

                      2.Continue to wait before Him and draw closer to Him while you wait.

                      3. Tell God you still believe His promises for your life. Speak each one out loud.

This ACT acronym is how we continue to be steadfast despite any disappointments we may face while we wait. In God's perfect timing, we will see the fulfillment of His promises and we will walk in victory, even in the areas where the enemy thought he had defeated us. God desires our victories even more than we do because He is the Perfect Father who loves us beyond all measure.

Even in the hardest fought battles, remember that the opposition is also being used by God to  prepare us for what lies ahead. When David was being pursued by Saul, the Bible tells us that "The  war between the house of Saul and the house of David was very long. David grew stronger and stronger and Saul grew weaker and weaker" (2 Samuel 3:1). Even in this battle though, there was certainly a time lapse where David had no idea that Saul was getting weaker and weaker. This was just something that David had to trust God and know that, in the end, things would work out the way they were supposed to.

Even fiery trials (1 Peter 4:12) are a tool that is used by God to burn up the things within us that will ultimately hurt us in our lives and also provides an ash that is fertile soil for the good things of God to grow. By their very nature, fiery trials are unexpected and frightening, but even in that, God can wipe out the fears that taunt us. Absolutely everything that we experience will ultimately be used for good in the capable hands of our Creator when we cooperate with His purposes and persist in them.

So, as we have now entered into a New Year and a new decade and era, it is my belief that refreshing and restoration are now upon us. Not only are they upon us, but I also believe that God is opening our eyes spiritually to see them and to know that even when it did not look like things were moving on our behalf that, indeed, they actually were. We may not have noticed that we were getting stronger and we may not have noticed that our enemy was getting weaker, but that still does not negate the truth of what God has been doing. This is the time and the season that we will see the fulfillment of many promises that we have long waited for!

     "You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance."
                                                    Psalm 65:11

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Abundant Love That Leads To Afflictions

"The greater are our affections the deeper are our afflictions, and the more we love the more we have to weep."
                                                           J.C. Ryle

None of us are immune to the pain and suffering in this world. In fact, the more deeply we experience life emotionally, the more afflictions will surface throughout our life's journey. We never realize this truth more poignantly than when we bury a loved one. This has been my journey over the past few months as my terminally ill Mom experienced the phases of dying and then ultimately went home to be with the Lord.

It is so interesting to me how we are wired as people to learn the most important truths in the valley of suffering. Perhaps this is because we are more desperate during these times to find meaning in deeper and more significant ways. Or, perhaps, when our hearts are shattered the most, we lay down our defenses and are more open to receiving whatever it is that God has for us in this place. I think this is how our tears mingle with joy in the most unexpected ways and we begin to learn that pain is not something to be avoided, but, rather, an experience to embrace, especially when our Savior is right there in the midst of it.

This whole past year has provided many opportunities in my life to unravel the mystery of just how God allows sorrow to shape us for the destiny He has prepared for us. It appears to us in many shapes and forms and somehow is uniquely designed with specificity for our individual lives. Within the shadow of sorrow lies a sequence of events that propel us to face our greatest fears and ultimately make the decision of whether we will trust God fully with every crevice in our hearts and minds or whether we will allow fear, bitterness, and disappointment to drive the train of our existence.

My Mom modeled this very well to me. About seven years ago, at the beginning of Mom's diagnosis of normal pressure hydrocephalus (excess fluid on the brain), Mom received a prophecy that God was going to heal her of her disease. From that point forward, everyday she believed that this was the day that God would heal her body. This continued day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. She never stopped believing. And, from my perspective, she could not have left a better or more meaningful legacy than this.

As Mom's body continued to give way to the physical limitations of her disease, she continued to boldly proclaim that God was going to heal her. There were many people and physicians that doubted her statements, but she never did. And, in the end, when our family got hospice involved in her care, she then realized that God was going to heal her by bringing her home eternally. While God's methodology differed from what Mom initially believed would happen, she receive the grace that God had apportioned for her and slipped away peacefully in Jesus' loving arms.

At first glance, it could be perceived that the prophecy she received had not been fulfilled. But, if we look deeper than the surface, we realize that God actually answered her prayers in far greater measures than she was even expecting. While the truest blessings may appear in disguise, I'm sure if I were able to ask her today if she would rather be healed and on this earth or healed in the presence of the Lord that she would hands-down choose the latter. I'm sure she would not trade the gift that God gave to her for anything in this world.

When we see life through the lens of faith, we realize that God's plans are always greater than our own. Undoubtedly, we all have moments when things do not make sense to us in the natural, but if we persevere, we will one day see things through God's perspective and align our vision for life with His. And His plans are far better than anything we could ever conceive.

For me, 2019 was one of the most difficult years of my life, but it was also one of the most beautiful years of my life. I was privileged to see beauty in things that no one on this planet would define as beautiful. I got to stand in the gap observing the most sacred of places in my Mom's life. As I stood on the precipice between life and death and life, I got to catch a glimpse of heaven like I have never seen it before. And I know with certainty that it is far more glorious than anything our English vocabulary could ever describe.

Many people I know have had a very difficult year in 2019. There are a lot of people who have more questions than answers on things that have happened in their lives. If you are one of these, may I just say to you that it is because you love deeply that you have been afflicted. Do not let this be a deterrent to you to continue to love deeply. For it is in the depth of this love that you will experience the love of Christ like you never have before. He will meet you in the sacred place of your pain and that is a joy that is incomparable to anything we can experience in the natural realm.

This then gives us the confidence of really knowing the heart of God for us and the ability and willingness to then share that same love of God with others. As the days on planet earth continue to escalate in intensity, may we never lose our faith our our love for others. These are the true gifts that we are created to share and give to others.

                                May God Abundantly Bless This New Year!!!