Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,

Thursday, February 8, 2018

What Is Your Trajectory?

"God is looking for those with whom He can do the impossible- what a pity that we plan only the things that we can do by ourselves."
                                                           A.W Tozer

Yesterdays shooting in Parkland, Florida breaks my heart for the families and school officials at Marjory Stonemason Douglas High School. Today, sixteen high school students and one heroic football coach are deceased and sixteen more are hospitalized (some in critical condition).  I cannot even imagine the level of devastation that must be reverberating within that community. Yet again, violence sends shock waves through a community and even through our nation. (Please pray for everyone that is affected by this tragedy).

My heart hurts for the teenagers today in our culture and the challenges they face. Being a teenager in todays culture must be not only confusing, but also filled with many temptations. Our society has convinced them to be tolerant of all people, but then they are barraged on social media with every sort of messed up lifestyle. In addition to the normal physiological and psycho-social changes that every teen experiences, we now have an opiod epidemic and far too many teens that are not sure how they identify sexually. Ungodly words and images flow through the internet like a tsunami and how easy would it be for a floundering, young soul to get swept up in the current that rages around them on every side?

While followers of Christ understand that Jesus is the Rock that keeps us grounded,  how must that appear to the youth that is inundated in a Babylonian type society? Many think that religiosity is the answer, but that is as powerless as a paper tiger. A.W. Tower said that, "One hundred religious persons knit into unity by careful organization do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team."

In far too many churches, the important issues of our society are ignored and not addressed. In order to be a light to our youth, we have to be willing to address the tough subjects in a way that teenagers can experience God's grace and know the power of His transformation. The love of God really can make a difference, but the Church needs the understanding and vision to be effective with the youth today.

For years, too much of the Church thought it would be a good idea to be "relevant" with the culture today in order to attract more followers, but following fads and trends without the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Gospel  seems to have led to an inefficacy in the Church. Oftentimes today, many churches don't even realize that they are operating without a third of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit vacated, but many did not even notice. The power to be saved and healed and delivered left, but few people cared.

As a result, the culture around us has lost their respect for Christians and the Church. If are lives are no different than the people who don't know Jesus, why should it attract those who are floundering? Why should no more that 10% of Christian teens who go away to college hold onto their faith? ( A study done by the Southern Baptist convention shows that we lose between 70 to 88% of our youth after their freshman year of college). Compromise has lead us to this place of impotency.

According to Tom Bisset, in his book entitled,  Why Christian Kids Leave The Faith, there are four primary reasons that teens cite for abandoning their beliefs. They state:
                         1. They left because they had troubling, unanswered questions about their faith
                         2. They left because their faith was not "working" for them
                         3. They left because they allowed other things to take priority
                         4. They left because they never personally owned their faith

It occurs to me that this mass exodus of our kids is happening because there are far too many adults who never fully made their own exodus from Egypt. In other words, when our children see adults who only embody only parts of the Gospel, they will be much less likely to fully espouse the Gospel themselves. God called the Israelites to leave Egypt completely and to serve Him in Canaan. We play with fire if we try to play church while we entertain ourselves with idols.

Kids today yearn for something in which to be passionate. If they can't find the true, good, and authentic One to be passionate about, they will find the counterfeit to get the attention they crave. We should not be surprised that they would resort to doing ridiculous things like eating tide pods and posting it on You Tube. We cannot legislate our way out of a problem that eminates from a cavernous soul.

Anxiety is another factor that is greatly affecting teens today. It has been said that anxiety is the spirit of this generation. Teens are being affected in unprecedented numbers. According to the American College Health Association, the percentage of teens who reported bouts of "overwhelming anxiety" rose to 62% in 2016, as opposed to 50% in 2011. Anxiety now outpaces depression and is the number one reason college students seek counseling. It now affects nearly one-third of both adults and adolescents.

Social media has a large role to play in the anxiety levels of teens. When they respond night and day to texts, post incessantly, and snap chat continually, the constant stimulation from digital habits takes its toll. One teenager, who was in in-patient treatment for anxiety said, "I don't think we realize how much social media affects our moods and personalities. While social media is only a tool, it's become this thing that we can't live without, but that's making us crazy" (NYT article, "Why are more American Teenagers than ever suffering from severe anxiety?").

All of us are created to have an impact on the world around us, and our teens are no exception. They long to make a difference, yet the enemy of our souls will gleefully seduce them to carve out that niche in a way that destroys them and dishonors God. To navigate that quagmire, they need wisdom and insight, as well as the power that only the Holy Spirit can provide to them. As adults, we need to heed the warning signs within our culture and within our teenage population.

When adult followers of Christ see the shaking in our society and then warning signs that are screaming so loudly, it should cause us to pause and understand that God is now calling us to a higher level of holiness. If goodness is the only thing that overcomes evil, then what is my role to accomplish this goal? It is easy to decide that there are just too many things happening in the world for one person to make a difference, and, yet, this is not what the Word of God  tells us.

When Daniel found himself, as a teenager, thrust into the wicked and degenerate society of Babylon, he understood that he was called to a more radical level of obedience in his own life. He positioned himself to make a true difference by evaluating every aspect of his life, including personal indulgences and prayer. He decided to get down to the nitty-gritty details of his life to effect reals changes in the culture around him.

Just as radical obedience was the answer 2700 years ago, so it is for us today. We must lay down those things that distract and steal our time so that we can intercede and stand in the gap for the multitudes that are perishing around us. It is not a coincidence that the book of Daniel is the sister book of prophecy to the book of Revelation, which, in my estimation, makes it extremely applicable to the times in which we live.

Each one of us has a trajectory in our lives. As the world around us gets darker, the level of our obedience should increase. Merriam-Webster defines trajectory as "a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory". In physics, a trajectory is also called a flight path and it "is the path that a moving object follows through space as a function of time".  An object's trajectory is either controlled by gravity, and pulled downward; or it can be driven forward by forces inside itself, like a missile.  That is consistent with what we see in the spiritual realm as well.  Unless we have the Holy Spirit within propelling us forward and upward, dark spiritual forces will pull us inevitably downward, like gravity.

It is God's desire that we effect change in the world around us.  This will not be accomplished without the power of the Holy Spirit. He has a calling and purpose for each one of us, and that purpose is especially important in these times in which we live. We cannot allow the Church to continue its trajectory to fade into the darkness. We must fight on our knees first and then shine brightly wherever God has positioned us.

2018 will be a year for stepping into our destinies and apprehending the Canaan that God has apportioned for us. Now is the time to assess our own individual trajectories and make whatever adjustments we need to to come into alignment with God's will for our lives. (Remember, that even one millimeter can throw us way off our course). We must step up so that we can push back the darkness that is attempting to suffocate our youth and prevail within our culture. True assessment and revival can only begin on an individual level, and, with the power of God, it can reverberate and have a domino effect!

"He who earnestly seeks after and craves righteousness, mercy, and loving-kindness will find life, and righteousness, and honor."
                                                           Proverbs 21:21

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