Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,

Thursday, April 27, 2017


                        "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
                                                                 Matthew 19:26

Right now, do you have a dream in your heart that supersedes your abilities or giftings? You know, a dream that is so big that there is no way that it could ever happen unless God shows up in  such a way where everyone around you would have no doubt that it could be only God. Do you pray about a God-sized dream that would extend His kingdom and bring others to know the Lord? Do you have  vision that extends beyond the natural realm and partners with heaven for the good of others and the glory of God?

If not, do not feel bad. Instead, seek God's heart and ask Him for what His vision for your life is. He most definitely has one and it is my opinion that too few of His children seek to find out what it really is. We too easily limit Him and what He wants to do because we are comfortable in our lives and, truthfully, we resist stretching beyond that comfort zone. Yet, there is so much more!

When you think about the times in which we live, it only makes sense that God would have an agenda that is far bigger than our minds can conceive. Honestly, it is His heart that all would come to a saving knowledge of Himself and spend eternity with Him. And that is only going to happen when we reach out to others in need. If you think about all the problems in the world, it is God who has the solution to them and we are the ones who get to participate in that solution.

The Lord said to Habakkuk, "Write the vision and engrave it plainly upon the tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read it as he hastens by" (Habakkuk 2:2). He was a prophet and probably a priest who led worship and he was awaiting an answer to a dilemma he was having. His dilemma was that God was using the wicked nation of Babylon to chasten the people of Israel, and he wrestled with Him so that he could understand. His name literally means "to wrestle" or "to embrace".

For a long time, he had been praying for a revival, but now it seemed that the opposite was occurring. Not only was there a national problem, but now Habakkuk struggled with a theological one. His query lamented that a holy God could use such a wicked nation and why wouldn't God just act and make all things right?

It was in this wrestling that God caused Habakkuk's faith to grow. He was learning to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord, and, eventually he would have understanding that could only come from above. God graciously responded and gave Habakkuk a vision that would turn his heart to one that worshipped and trusted in God. This vision also included the revelation of God's glory and would point to a time in the future where His glory would cover the earth (Habakkuk 3:3).

He was now completely on board and he prayed for God's work to be accomplished. He prayed and asked for God's mercy and took comfort in knowing that his people would not be destroyed. God spoke to him and reassured him "the just shall live by faith" (Habakkuk 2:4).

When you walk in the level of faith that believes for a God-sized dream, realize that fear is the thief that will try to rob you from seeing it to fruition. The enemy of our souls will try to deceive and torment for the sole purpose of wearing you down. It is his hope that you will get tired and give up your hope and faith. While he may be relentless, remember that God has already given us the victory in Christ. Do not give up!

Today, God is looking for His children who will live by faith and make His ways known to others. He is looking for those who are grappling with a problem in their lives to look to Him so that He can make known a solution that is far bigger than what your mind can conceive. He is looking for those who will give Him all the glory so that He can be glorified in the earth in such a way that many are drawn to Him.

God wants those who dare to dream and seek Him for a vision that will extend beyond our natural realm. Don't be afraid to wrestle with Him over the injustices in the world. Don't be afraid to wrestle with Him over the injustices in your life.

Just be prepared for what He might reveal to you because it will be more encompassing than you imagine.  It will require every ounce of faith that you possess. But, it also will make possible the things you thought were totally impossible!

               "Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse."
                                                      Philip Yancey


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