Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,

Monday, September 21, 2015


"Every scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
                                                                                                                           (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Consistency in our faith walk is the single most important factor that will bring success.  Maintaining consistency requires both the fire of the Holy Spirit and the infallible truth of God's Word.  Christ is most glorified when our lives balance power and truth, word and deed, and faith and faithfulness.

When our hearts and minds come into alignment with one another, love and faith will unite in strength and result in both joy and glory (1 Peter 1:8-9).  Transformation of both heart and mind enables us to grow up in Christ and avoid both erring on the side of truth without love, as well as the inaccuracies of love without truth.  Alignment is quintessentially necessary for each of us to become all that God has created us to be.

Think for a moment about our physical bodies.  The health of both our hearts and minds are completely intertwined.  The link between them can either be positive or negative.  For example, people who are depressed are two to three more times likely to develop heart disease.

Communication between the mind and heart travels both ways.  The heart sends signals to the brain, just as the brain sends signals to the heart.  Each responds to the other.

The more stable the pattern of either the heart's input or the brain's neural signals, the higher the cognitive function will be.  This functioning includes: emotional processing, attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving.  Higher cognitive function reinforces positive feelings, emotional stability, and perceptual clarity.

The converse is also true.  During times of high emotional stress and negative emotions, the heart rate is often erratic and disordered.  This sharply limits our ability to: think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions.

Just as there are techniques to reduce stress and anxiety (meditation and breathing), so are there ways we can come into alignment spiritually.  As we allow the Holy Spirit to work through our lives, we can be assured that He will always work through the truth.  We are told: "When He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth" (John 16:13).

The Holy Spirit guides us through the Living Word of God (who is Jesus) and the written Word of God (the Bible).  We have to both be connected to Jesus and know God's Word.  Consistency in both the Living Word and the written Word will bear fruit in our lives.

Our consistency will only be as sustainable as our source.  That means that the quality of our fruit is only as valuable as the vine to which it is attached.  Success is based on our root system.  We stay connected to Him and dependant upon Him.

Biblically, consistency is not an option.  It is not a suggestion.  In fact, it is the main ingredient of our faith.  And we are admonished that "without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6).  The truth is that even if we have the faith to step out, it is worthless without the faithfulness to sustain it.

Specific areas of consistency include: Bible study, prayer, worship, time management, character, attitude, our calling, and walking in the love of God.  These will cause us to grow and have a closer relationship with God.  Really knowing and loving God will also motivate us to be more consistent.

J.I. Packer, a twentieth century author and theologian, sums it up this way: "What were we made for? To know God!  What aim should we set ourselves in life? To know God.  What is the "eternal life" that jesus gives? Knowledge of God... What is the best thing in life, bringing more joy, delight, and contentment, than anything else? Knowledge of God."

When we know who God truly is, we will love Him.  When we understand His heart for us and the sacrifice He made on our behalf, it is impossible not to love Him.  His love, mercy, goodness, and kindness overtake us and we are smitten!

Stagnation is an impossibility in our walk with God.  We either grow or we backslide.  Peter tells us to continually "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).

God assists us in this growth.  Like the heart and mind connection, communication travels both ways.  Thomas Aquinas, an eleventh century philosopher and theologian, expressed it this way: "Bestow on me, O Lord my God, understanding to know You, diligence to seek You, and a faithfulness to finally embrace You, through Jesus Christ our Lord."

As we develop faithfulness and consistency, we become more like Christ.  As we become more Christ-like, God faithfully fulfills His promises. When we come into agreement with His will and His Word, He commands the blessing in our lives.  We align ourselves, both in spirit and in truth, and we are made new!

                "God is Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
                                                          (John 4:24)

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