Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It's Harvest Time!

"Things great have small beginnings. Every downpour is just a raindrop; every fire is just a spark; every harvest is just a seed; every journey is just a step because without that step there would be no journey; without that raindrop there can be no shower; without that seed there can be no harvest."
                                                                                                                          William Wilberforce

     Harvest time is an exciting time for believers in Christ! It is a time of multiplication, maturation, and gathering...It s also a time of reflection regarding the fruitfulness of our lives. It is celebratory in nature, as well as an opportunity to re-calibrate in an effort to increase future yields.

     For many in the body of Christ, this past season has been one of intense preparation. Many of us have endured major challenges that have left us feeling: pressed, plowed, poked, prodded, and pruned. At times, it has felt like we were left in the dark. At other times, it seems as if our tears have watered our seeds of faith. Despite these difficulties, God has remained the Supreme Gardener, tending to the tiniest details of our lives. The plan has remained steadfast- the Gardener would feed and equip us so that our lives would ultimately be harvested to bring God glory through them.

     Not one of our experiences have been random or without purpose. God has orchestrated our growth and cultivation meticulously. The storms and torrents have produced growth. The fires and flames are producing purpose and passion. Every seed that has been sown and every sacrifice that has been offered will be multiplied to produce God's end-time harvest.

     If we had eyes to see, we would understand that delays are not denials. We would see that there really is order in the situations and circumstances that feel chaotic and out of control. We would be able to visualize God's goodness in our story and see the progress that has been accomplished. If we had eyes to see, it would be easier to be strong in our faith and courageous in our day to day walk. Unfortunately, it's just not always easy for us to see...

     My father-in-law raises beef cattle on a farm near Bowling Green, Kentucky. In order to feed the cattle, he sows alfalfa. It takes approximately 500 pounds of seed to sow the field. One sowing of seed will last for five to six years and will produce approximately 2 million pounds of hay. Alfalfa also improves the ground into which it is sown by adding nitrogen into the soil. So, not only does it produce a prolific harvest, but it also prepares the ground for the next harvest it will yield.

     Since we are made in God's image, how much more significant are the seeds we sow than alfalfa? And, when our Supreme Gardener touches and blesses our efforts, how much better will the yield be?  When we are yielded to the Gardener's plan, how efficacious and long-lasting will the harvest be?

     Practically speaking, we are living in unusual times. Radical times require radical faith. Each one of us are given a unique sphere of influence that not one other person on the planet has. Every person in our lives is God-ordained with purpose and intent. It is incumbent upon us to understand how God is working in the lives of those who are around us and assist Him in those efforts.

     We are also each given a mandate and a calling. This requires seeing ourselves as God sees us. His Word to each one of us is to step up into our rightful identity and calling in Christ: "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you." (Isaiah 60:1-2).

     It is time for us to be a light in this dark world. It is time to utilize every gift, talent, and resource we have for the extension of Christ's kingdom. It is also time for radical faith to believe God for BIG things- things we could never accomplish on our own. You know, the David versus Goliath kind of faith!

     If we are willing to step out in this level of faith, we must also be prepared for the opposition that will inevitably come our way. When David was being persecuted by Saul in Ziklag, he rounded up troops from the twelve tribes of Israel. Each tribe was unique in the abilities they could contribute. The fewest number of men came from the tribe of Issachar. There were 200 men who were described as "men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do." ( I Chronicles 12:32).

     Biblically speaking, the number 200 means insuffiency. Without the wisdom, discernment, and power from God, these men could do nothing on their own. But, when God gave them power and resources, combined with their courage to speak, there was no opponent who could defeat them.

      Before David achieved his perfect victory, however, there were many trials and tests. At David's lowest point, his troops were ready to stone him because of their perceived losses. All of these experiences, both good and bad, were part of God's providential plan.

      Charles Spurgeon describes it this way, "When God means to bless us, He often takes away a part of the little strength we thought we had. We did not think our strength equal to the task and the Lord takes away a portion, even, of the little power we had! Our God does not fill until He has emptied."

      If you feel empty right now, just remember that God seeks to shower blessings on His people (Psalm 144:15). Moreover, God is "able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think." (Ephesians 3:20). Even now, He stands ready to do so!

     Ultimately, God gave David a complete rescue, as well as awarding him great spoils. He did become wealthy, but he also became a better man, a holier man, and a stronger man. These preparations were important for him to eventually wear the crown that God had reserved for him. As the King of Israel, David would become the man God used to accomplish mighty feats for His Names' sake!

"God is more anxious to bestow His blessings on us than we are to receive them."
                                                                                                                            Augustine (354-430),
                                                                                                                              Bishop of Hippo

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