Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


" Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.  Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."   ( Habakkuk 3:2)

     Many authors and scholars have studied the future of America from a prophetic standpoint.  Many nations are repeatedly mentioned in the Bible, especially in regards to the years preceding the second coming of Christ.  Countries that are included in future events are: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Greece, numerous European countries, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Ethiopia, Libya, Algeria, Central Asia, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf emirates.  There is an inference to countries such as: China, North Korea, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Despite the fact that we are the leading super-power in the world, America is conspicuously absent from the biblical narrative.

     For more than two centuries, God has used the U.S. to train, equip, and send people to take the gospel throughout the world.  Yet, according to scripture, there will come a day when the U.S. is no longer the epicenter of Christendom ( Matthew 24:9).  While our country is not as hostile to Christians as China or radical Islamic countries, it is true that hostility is increasing.

     There is also an alarming increase of confusion and misinformation in our culture regarding Biblical truths.  Research in our nation reveals that:
                            * 80% of people believe in God
                            * 75% of people believe in miracles
                            * 71% of people believe Jesus is the Son of God
                            * 71% of people believe the Bible is the Word of God
                            * 73% of people believe in heaven
                            * 70% of people believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead

While these numbers appear to be pretty good, there is still much misinformation that abounds. Unfortunately, false beliefs include:
                           * 50% of people believe Satan does not exist
                           * 33% of people believe Jesus sinned
                           * 25% of people believe that the Bible is not accurate

     It is as impossible to "almost" be a Christian as it is to almost be pregnant. And yet, there are apparently many people in this nation who fall into this camp. Deception is the antithesis to authentic faith, and yet, deception seems to be growing stronger instead of becoming more weak. Biblical truths are what have made this nation strong, but our strength appears to be diminishing. This begs the question, " What is the current condition of the soul of America?"

     And, if the U.S. has been used mightily to spread the gospel throughout the earth, what is the condition of that influence? There is research to show that if you lined up all the people in the world, shoulder to shoulder, who do not know Jesus the line would reach approximately 750,000 miles long. This line would circle the earth approximately thirty times.  And, the worst part is, this line grows approximately 20 miles longer per day! Since lost people matter to God, it is imperative that they matter to the Church. Currently, the Church needs revival and the world needs evangelism.

     Martin Lloyd Jones defines revival as follows: " Revival awakens in our hearts an increased awareness of the presence of God,  a new love for God, a new hatred for sin, and a hunger for His Word."  It should be the heart cry of every child of God for Him to send revival to us, both individually and as a nation.  The soul of America is sick and has caused this nation to collapse from within.

     We need divine intervention.  Politicians are not the answer. Economists, educators, and entertainers cannot turn this around.  There are no professionals or pollsters who are equipped to lead and guide us back to health.  Only God.  He is the Only One who can provide the extraordinary move of the Holy Spirit that will produce the extraordinary results we need.

     When the people of this nation become saturated with God, we will see change.  A.W. Tozer describes this invasion of heaven as "that which changes the moral climate of a community. Revival is nothing more or less than a new beginning of obedience to God."  This type of spiritual awakening cannot be organized- it can only be agonized for in prayer.

     America has had revivals in the past, and we desperately need  one today.  Psalm 85 is a prayer that addresses this: " Restore us again, God our Savior, and put away your displeasure toward us...Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us Your salvation." ( Psalm 85: 4; 6-7).

     Every generation is jeopardized by spiritual lethargy, yet God desires to send revival. We have had several awakenings that have shaped the moral foundation of this country, yet we need one more... Repentance, prayer, and obedience are the keys to such transformation.

     Complacency, comfort, and apathy are the enemies of revival.  Leonard Ravenhill describes,
" as long as we are content to live without revival we will." When we see little distinction between the Church and Christian schools with the standards and mores of this culture, our hearts should rhythmically pulsate the prayer of revival.

     Historically, the first Great Awakening occurred in America in 1740.  The Enlightenment writings had pervaded the colonies to such an extent that many churches struggled to keep their doors open.  Colleges taught humanism, so that whatever small number of believers there were, they practiced their faith secretly.  Preachers, such as Theodore Frelinghuysen, Jonathan Edwards, and George Whitefield began to preach the simplicity of the gospel.  This began transforming godless colonies into a God-fearing nation.

     Following the revolutionary war, Christianity began to decline again as people began to busy themselves in building a new nation. More and more people moved into unchrched areas west of the Appalachians.  By the 1790's, only 10% of Americans attended worship.  Voltaire said, " In thirty years time Christianity will be forgotten."

     Then came the second Great Awakening.  It started in Kentucky, where enormous crowds would gather in repentance and prayer.  Charles Finney and other evangelists helped transform a generation of young people in the church and into missions.

     The third Great Awakening occurred on Fulton street in New York City in 1857.  Spiritual lethargy had once again pervaded society until the prayer revival began.  Jeremiah Lanphier, a business man, began prayer meetings and thousands of people met daily to pray.  This revival swept from city to city and lasted a generation. It is estimated that between one and two million people received Christ as their Savior.

     There have been other revivals and movements such as: the Welsh revival (turn of the 20th Century), the Asuza street revival( turn of the 20th Century), and the Jesus movement ( 1960's- 1970's).  All of these outpourings of God have shaped our nation and our world.  We are long overdue for another awakening founded on Biblical truths and the presence of our holy God.

     In my opinion, America has two options today: revival or judgment. We are at a crossroads that will hopefully end at the Cross.  Since God is the author of life and liberty, it is imperative that the truth of His Word prevail in our land. Would you please join with me in daily prayer that our nation would once again awaken to a mighty move of God?

                                            "We long to see the churches full,
                                              That all the chosen race,
                                              May with one voice, and heart, and tongue,
                                              Sing His redeeming grace."
                                                                                          Charles Spurgeon

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