Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
" Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy." ( Habakkuk 3:2)
Many authors and scholars have studied the future of America from a prophetic standpoint. Many nations are repeatedly mentioned in the Bible, especially in regards to the years preceding the second coming of Christ. Countries that are included in future events are: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Greece, numerous European countries, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Ethiopia, Libya, Algeria, Central Asia, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf emirates. There is an inference to countries such as: China, North Korea, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Despite the fact that we are the leading super-power in the world, America is conspicuously absent from the biblical narrative.
For more than two centuries, God has used the U.S. to train, equip, and send people to take the gospel throughout the world. Yet, according to scripture, there will come a day when the U.S. is no longer the epicenter of Christendom ( Matthew 24:9). While our country is not as hostile to Christians as China or radical Islamic countries, it is true that hostility is increasing.
There is also an alarming increase of confusion and misinformation in our culture regarding Biblical truths. Research in our nation reveals that:
* 80% of people believe in God
* 75% of people believe in miracles
* 71% of people believe Jesus is the Son of God
* 71% of people believe the Bible is the Word of God
* 73% of people believe in heaven
* 70% of people believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead
While these numbers appear to be pretty good, there is still much misinformation that abounds. Unfortunately, false beliefs include:
* 50% of people believe Satan does not exist
* 33% of people believe Jesus sinned
* 25% of people believe that the Bible is not accurate
It is as impossible to "almost" be a Christian as it is to almost be pregnant. And yet, there are apparently many people in this nation who fall into this camp. Deception is the antithesis to authentic faith, and yet, deception seems to be growing stronger instead of becoming more weak. Biblical truths are what have made this nation strong, but our strength appears to be diminishing. This begs the question, " What is the current condition of the soul of America?"
And, if the U.S. has been used mightily to spread the gospel throughout the earth, what is the condition of that influence? There is research to show that if you lined up all the people in the world, shoulder to shoulder, who do not know Jesus the line would reach approximately 750,000 miles long. This line would circle the earth approximately thirty times. And, the worst part is, this line grows approximately 20 miles longer per day! Since lost people matter to God, it is imperative that they matter to the Church. Currently, the Church needs revival and the world needs evangelism.
Martin Lloyd Jones defines revival as follows: " Revival awakens in our hearts an increased awareness of the presence of God, a new love for God, a new hatred for sin, and a hunger for His Word." It should be the heart cry of every child of God for Him to send revival to us, both individually and as a nation. The soul of America is sick and has caused this nation to collapse from within.
We need divine intervention. Politicians are not the answer. Economists, educators, and entertainers cannot turn this around. There are no professionals or pollsters who are equipped to lead and guide us back to health. Only God. He is the Only One who can provide the extraordinary move of the Holy Spirit that will produce the extraordinary results we need.
When the people of this nation become saturated with God, we will see change. A.W. Tozer describes this invasion of heaven as "that which changes the moral climate of a community. Revival is nothing more or less than a new beginning of obedience to God." This type of spiritual awakening cannot be organized- it can only be agonized for in prayer.
America has had revivals in the past, and we desperately need one today. Psalm 85 is a prayer that addresses this: " Restore us again, God our Savior, and put away your displeasure toward us...Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us Your salvation." ( Psalm 85: 4; 6-7).
Every generation is jeopardized by spiritual lethargy, yet God desires to send revival. We have had several awakenings that have shaped the moral foundation of this country, yet we need one more... Repentance, prayer, and obedience are the keys to such transformation.
Complacency, comfort, and apathy are the enemies of revival. Leonard Ravenhill describes,
" as long as we are content to live without revival we will." When we see little distinction between the Church and Christian schools with the standards and mores of this culture, our hearts should rhythmically pulsate the prayer of revival.
Historically, the first Great Awakening occurred in America in 1740. The Enlightenment writings had pervaded the colonies to such an extent that many churches struggled to keep their doors open. Colleges taught humanism, so that whatever small number of believers there were, they practiced their faith secretly. Preachers, such as Theodore Frelinghuysen, Jonathan Edwards, and George Whitefield began to preach the simplicity of the gospel. This began transforming godless colonies into a God-fearing nation.
Following the revolutionary war, Christianity began to decline again as people began to busy themselves in building a new nation. More and more people moved into unchrched areas west of the Appalachians. By the 1790's, only 10% of Americans attended worship. Voltaire said, " In thirty years time Christianity will be forgotten."
Then came the second Great Awakening. It started in Kentucky, where enormous crowds would gather in repentance and prayer. Charles Finney and other evangelists helped transform a generation of young people in the church and into missions.
The third Great Awakening occurred on Fulton street in New York City in 1857. Spiritual lethargy had once again pervaded society until the prayer revival began. Jeremiah Lanphier, a business man, began prayer meetings and thousands of people met daily to pray. This revival swept from city to city and lasted a generation. It is estimated that between one and two million people received Christ as their Savior.
There have been other revivals and movements such as: the Welsh revival (turn of the 20th Century), the Asuza street revival( turn of the 20th Century), and the Jesus movement ( 1960's- 1970's). All of these outpourings of God have shaped our nation and our world. We are long overdue for another awakening founded on Biblical truths and the presence of our holy God.
In my opinion, America has two options today: revival or judgment. We are at a crossroads that will hopefully end at the Cross. Since God is the author of life and liberty, it is imperative that the truth of His Word prevail in our land. Would you please join with me in daily prayer that our nation would once again awaken to a mighty move of God?
"We long to see the churches full,
That all the chosen race,
May with one voice, and heart, and tongue,
Sing His redeeming grace."
Charles Spurgeon
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Apart From Me
" We can face whatever circumstances await us with courage if we just reflect on God's faithfulness and place our confidence in His great power and loving purpose for our lives. "
David Jeremiah
Life can be extremely difficult at times. It can seem as if uncertainties and turmoil sweep through our lives like a tsunami. One minute life is calm and serene and the sun shines brightly, only to be interrupted by a threatening storm that seeks to usurp all that we know and understand. These are the moments in my life when my face hits the carpet in prayer to try to get the answers to life's many enigmas.
As I was seeking answers this past weekend to a myriad of questions, my eyes consistently landed on three words contained in a particular verse of scripture. The three simple words were "apart from Me". Determined to find all the verses that contain this phrase, I was astonished to only find three.
The first verse I found was: " Apart from Me there is no God". ( Isaiah 44:6). This verse depicts the role and blessing of God, in the form of His Holy Spirit. Along with the previous verses, this scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit will refresh, cleanse, and make the earth fruitful. Just as He blesses our soul, so shall He bring forth all other blessings. The plentiful outpouring of the gift of the Holy Spirit is available to multitudes in these latter days. In conjunction with the Divine prophecies come the Divine purposes of God and they are given power through His Holy Spirit. Who can compare with this Redeemer and King?
The second verse says, " Apart from Me there is no Savior". ( Isaiah 43:11). Today, through Jesus, we have been given so many blessings. The most important gift God gives to us is salvation through the atoning sacrifice of our Lord. In addition to that, we have been given the power of His grace, the sweetness of His comfort, the loving care of His providence, and the truth of His promises. Who could find a Savior like this?
The final verse I found was in The New Testament. It states, " Apart from Me, you can do nothing". ( John 15:5). Since our lives are hidden in Christ ( the True Vine), our strength and sustenance are found in Him. Because of the wisdom and care of our Heavenly Father, it is true that our lives must prosper and be fruitful. While it is not always easy to recognize the instrinsic value of our lives, it can be tempting to view them as less valuable as what God declares they are. This is when our vision needs to focus on the One who gives breath and value to His creation.
Meditating on these verses helped to restore vision to my life. My circumstances pale in comparison to my relationship with the One who redeems all things. When I allow impatience and discouragement to trump God's redemptive purposes, I lose sight of all that is truly important and worthy of my thoughts.
When the opposition in our lives is raging, too often I begin to hone in on the specifics of what I see. Until I remember: when I instead meditate on God's faithfulness and power and loving purpose in my life, vision and courage are restored.
The thing is, not only are we called to walk by faith, there are times when we are called to have enduring faith. The word "endure" means "to sustain without yielding". These are the times in our lives that are the most intense, the most frightening, and the task at hand appears to be daunting. Martin Luther describes the purpose of these times as follows: "Where the battle rages, there the
loyalty of the soldier is proved."
There are seasons that occur on this planet, and there are seasons that occur in our individual lives. Right now, in the western part of the U.S., there is a drought and record high temperatures. On the east coast, however, there have been record amounts of snowfall and flooding. At first glance, it would appear that there is no rhyme or reason to these occurrences, until we stop to remember that there truly is One who is sovereign over it all.
The parable of the mustard seed addresses these issues. When Jesus was asked, " What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to ?" He answered, " It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches." ( Luke 13:18-19).
This would appear to be an odd analogy of the kingdom of God. And yet, the interpretation is rich with insight and wisdom. God is telling us not to be discouraged that there are not more believers on this planet right now, but to look forward to the day when His kingdom will be a large tree. ( The tiniest of seeds will ultimately grow into a tree that has a height of twelve to fifteen feet !).
In this parable, Jesus wants His disciples to open their spiritual eyes to: the nature of His kingdom, His Lordship, and His return. The principle is that when we accept Christ into our hearts, He plants a mustard seed in it. How well it grows depends upon our obedience and our willingness to pay the price of true surrender.
What we allow God to do within us, will ultimately be poured out through us by His power. It is God's desire to show the world what He can accomplish, even through one obedient child. This is because He longs to touch the world with His power, and He chooses to include His children in this glorious event.
We advance God's kingdom through faith. Our goal should be to love others from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and a sincere faith. It is the enduring faith, coupled with God's multiplication power and strategy, that yields the largest harvest. ( Luke 19:11-27).
The caveat is that we will never be able to produce autonomously. Jesus will forever be the sower of the good seed. Only when we abide in Him can we bear the wait and can we bear the fruit. Kenneth Wuest ( 1893- 1962), who was one of the foremost Greek scholars of his time, translates the word abide as " to maintain a living communion". This means that we continually: look for God, acknowledge Him, express our gratitude to Him, and expect that He is always faithful to commune with us.
The kingdom of God is represented by the tree, and Jesus is represented as the True Root. God is the husbandman who meticulously cares for the tree. The children of God are the branches. As we abide in Him, He reveals to us that we are here to change the world. And, right now, change is exactly what is needed!
The needs in this world are currently overwhelming. And, God is passionate about each and every one of them. Just a few of the statistics are as follows:
* Every 7 seconds, 2 people die from hunger
* !.7 billion people do not have clean water to drink
* 300 million children do not have even one pair of shoes
* One-fourth of the worlds population does not have electricity
* 680 million people have never heard about Jesus
Though the battle rages, the gates of hell will not prevail. By ourselves we can accomplish nothing, but with Christ we can do ALL things! God longs to bless us so that we can be a blessing to the world and extend His kingdom.
Like the mustard seed, God does not accomplish these purposes in us overnight. Sometimes, we are even called to water our seed with our tears. However, as we continue to walk in obedience, following hard after Him, our seed will become a mature tree. This is when we are equipped to provide shade, refuge, and rest for those who are in need. This is when God uses us to change the world!
We should keep "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith". ( Hebrews 12:2).
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Where Are The Esthers?
"If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal positon for such a time as this?" ( Esther 4:14)
A significant prophetic warning took place in America this past week. There are many who choose to minimize, trivialize, and mock this important clarion call. However, this does not diminish the message that God intended to send. The messenger was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his message was succinct and passionate. As he addressed the United States Congress, he informed them that he came as Mordecai and that Israel is once again being threatened by a sadistic Persian empire.
Not coincidentally, Netanyahu's appeal came on the eve of Purim. This date had been meticulously chosen with great intent. This is because the Jewish holiday of Purim is an annual commemoration of the deliverance of the Jewish people from the ancient Persian empire where a plot had been formed to annhilate every single one of them. Ancient Persia is today known as the nation of Iran. Prime Minister Netanyahu came into our nation to plead with our people to help Israel combat a nuclear Iran. This is an example of history repeating itself.
The original story of Purim occurs in the book of Esther. Purim comes from the word Pur, which literally means " to cast lots". Haman, the anit-semitic royal prime minister to King Ahasuerus, literally cast lots to determine the day of the Jews' destruction. After all, it was not a question of "if" he would destroy, kill, and annhilate all Jews, it was merely a question of "when?".
God used two people to foil Haman's diabolical plans- Mordecai and Esther. It was Mordecai who first learned of Haman's sinister plot and he sounded the clarion call of warning to Esther
( Esther 4:1-9). Immediately, Esther realized how grave this threat was and she responded by asking all the Jews in Susa to fast and pray for three days for her so that she could apprise the king of what was occurring. She concludes by saying, " And if I perish, I perish." (Esther 4:15-16).
Esther knew the truth had to be told, despite personal potential risk. God prepared the way for Mordecai and Esther and ultimately gave the Jews victory over their enemies. This annual celebration of Purim ( on the 14th day of Adar) that occurs throughout the world is held to remember the miracle God gave when He rescued the Jews from certain death.
The story of Esther occurred in the fourth century, B.C.E. The Persian empire of that time extended over 127 lands and all the Jews were their subjects. God sovereignly had chosen Esther ( a Jew) to be the Queen of Persia so that she would have the influence needed to save His chosen people, even though her nationality was kept secret from the king for awhile.
God used Mordecai ( Esther's uncle) to identify the risk and to galvanize His people. God used Esther to fast and pray and make the king aware of what was happening right under his nose. Both responded to God and to the situation at hand, and were even willing to take risks to accomplish God's purposes. Therefore, God responded to them and to His peoples' cries for assistance.
The prophet, Zechariah, tells us of a day that is coming when every nation will turn against Israel and they will be left without a single earthly ally. Israel will feel as if they are all alone in the world, but then God will show Himself mighty on their behalf. God's purpose in this is so that Israel will realize that, in truth, they are not alone, even if the whole world turns it's back...
Threats to the existence of the Jews is not a new phenomena. Throughout history, their safety has repeatedly been threatened. While the faces and dates may change, the plan of the enemy does not. Today, the face of that threat comes via terrorists and from state sponsors of terrorism, such as Iran.
Multiple leaders in Iran have repeatedly stated publicly that they intend to destroy Israel as soon as they have the ability to do so. And they are working frenetically to accomplish this goal. It is estimated that today Iran currently has enough enriched uranium for six to seven nuclear weapons. And, day by day, they continue to produce...
Their sights extend beyond the borders of Israel. Iran has stated that Israel is the "Little Satan" and the United States is the "Big Satan". It is estimated that Iran is now 70% finished with the construction of intercontinental ballistic missiles. These missiles are not needed to reach Israel-
they are intended for the West.
The regime in Iran is fueled by hatred and the belief that they will hasten the return of their messiah through apocalyptic genocide. They believe that it is their job to bring about the end of the world, and that they will be rewarded for doing so. There is no amount of negotiation or bartering that will sway this ideology. It is a part of their D.N.A.
This new Persian empire is continuing to expand. Since the Arab Spring ( which caused a shift in the balance of power), Iran has continued to grow and take new territory. It is now as big as it was in 5th century, B.C.E., and it continues its quest for more land and power.
Sadly, a nuclear Iran is not Israel's only threat. Iran is accelerating its arming of Hezbollah and Hamas with rockets and missiles, in an attempt to circle Israel from the North, South, and East. ISIS has also gained a presence near the border of Israel on the Golan Heights, and has declared they will fly their flag over Jerusalem. All the while, anti-semitism is rising internationally. And, last but definately not least, Israel has lost cooperation from the United States and can no longer depend on us to "have their back".
If the United States facilitates a nuclear Iran which heighten the threats to Israel, our nation will be judged. God has made it very clear that we will either be blessed or cursed depending on how we treat Israel ( Genesis 12:3). If we "cast our lots" against His people, we will be judged. The prophet, Joel, says that God "will put them on trial for what they did to [His] inheritance, [His] people Israel".
(Joel 3:2).
There is apathy in the West and apathy in the Church. We are the ones referred to as the bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7). We have been given this position of royalty for "such a time as this". The Church is the Esther that Netanyahu (Mordecai) came to address. We also have been given the spiritual authority to make a difference. Our assignment is simple: "petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in al godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior who wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is One God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all people... [ We are to] tell the truth- be true and faithful teachers... Pray, and lift up holy hands..." ( 1 Timothy 2:1-8).
Jesus will return one day to Jerusalem. In that day, all will see that "He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings- and with Him will be His called, chosen, and faithful followers." ( Revelation 17:14).
In the interim, we can repent, fast, and pray. We can seek God's face and not "give Him rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth." (Isaiah 62: 7). Most importantly, we cannot remain silent...
" On that day, when all the nations are gathered against her [Israel] , I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves... Then the clans of Judah will say in their hearts, 'The people of Jerusalem are strong, because the Lord Almighty is their God." ( Zechariah 12:3;5).
Thursday, March 5, 2015
What Love Is Not!!!
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
We live in a culture that is saturated with its' own ideas of what love really is. Depending on individual more`s and agendas (that may or may not be antithetical to the Bible), we are continually being spoon-fed images and story lines that attempt to redefine and blur the boundaries that God has given to mankind for our safety and well-being. It is almost impossible today to either watch a movie, TV show, or even the news without bias or manipulation of some kind.
To add to these complexities, we are also living in times where Jesus said that "the love of most will grow cold". (Matthew 24:12). Jesus prefaced this comment by describing very turbulent days in this world, including: wars, lawlessness, turbulence and commotion. He said there was an inverse correlation in that as wickedness in the world increases, the love of most people would decrease.
Yet, the Bible is very clear as to what love is and what love is not. Our society may be confused, but the Creator of the world certainly is not! We find the perfect example of this in a piece of art. If you look at a painting, there are both positive spaces and negative spaces. The positive space makes up the subject(s) of an image. The negative space is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image.
The negative space serves some very important purposes: it defines the boundaries in the positive space and it provides balance. In the hands of a skilled artist, it also adds levels of meaning and beauty. This is what the apostle, Paul, accomplishes in the love chapter of the Bible ( 1 Corinthians 13). All thirteen verses paint the exquisite beauty of walking in love, while it describes the importance of this fundamental arm of Christianity.
Verses four through six outline the negative space of Chapter thirteen. Eight times Paul tells us what NOT to do. He tells us that love "does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."
Whenever we venture into this negative space of love, we are giving the enemy of our souls power in our lives. This negative space defines Satan's territory and we would do well to stay out of it! We cannot have total victory in our lives if we are dwelling in the negative space.
Why? Because the whole point of the Christian walk is love. I John 4: 7-8 says, "Dear friends,
let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
Much deception comes to us because we poorly assess how we are doing in this area. Our culture has convinced us that love is tied to feelings. It also teaches us that the measure of love is whether or not we have the capacity to feel love for others. This is a terrible and inaccurate measure because by this definition both Hitler and ISIS are loving.
We need objective boundaries that bring definition and measure. Only these will bring a clear picture of the truth. Paul describes the positive space of love as follows: "love is patient; love is kind; love always protects; love always trusts; love always hopes; and love always perserveres."
( I Corinthians 13: 4,7). Paul continues with a promise that when we walk in the positive space of love we will never fail. That means NEVER!
When we look at what love is, the painting displays a stunning silhouette of our Savior. Love is not a feeling. Love is not a thing. Love is a person and true love can only be found in Him. That is, Jesus, our Messiah. He is the One who can ignite our hearts on fire with His love in the midst of a cold and dark world. A.W. Tozer says, " We might be wise to follw the insight of the enraptured heart rather than the more cautious reasoning of the theological mind."
If God were only to give us a list of boundaries yet give us no ability to follow them, it would only be mere religion. Our problem lies not in the ability to see the love of Jesus. Rather, it is in recreating the picture of love that we do see in Him.
Jesus desires to be our heavenly art teacher of love. This is what separates Jesus from every other faith claim. Because He is alive, He can and will implant His ability to love in us so that it will take residence within us and then pour out through us to others.
No one has ever been a better example for us to follow. When Jesus was tortured, He forgave.
When Jesus looked at the masses of people, He was moved with compassion. When Jesus saw the needs of others, He supplied them. When Jesus saw the sick and impaired, He healed them. When Jesus saw the hatred and contempt of others for Himself, He blessed them. In the midst of all these circumstances, it was Jesus' eyes of love that recognized mans' need for salvation, and then He gave the ultimate sacrifice.
This is how love in action looks. It is submission to Him, as well as maturity, that enables us to walk this out in our lives. Paul says, "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me." ( I Cor. 13:11). Our chronological age has nothing to do with our spiritual maturity. We choose whether or not to cooperate with the Holy Spirit and to grow up!
The Gospel is the antithesis of religion. It is Christ in us that accomplishes what we could never accomplish. It is not about what we can do- it is about what He can do through us as we surrender more and more to Him and His Word.
This is how Paul prayed for love for the church in Ephesus: "I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3: 16-19).
When Christ resides in us, it is as if we can paint like Vincent van Gogh. This is because Jesus is painting a unique masterpiece in us and through us. The essential ingredient that Jesus will use will be His love, because He is the architect and designer of love. Our mandate is to share what we have been given with the ones who need it the most!
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
( I Corinthians 13:13)
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