Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,

Thursday, March 21, 2019

A Time To Celebrate!

"For the Lord your God is the One who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory."
                                                                Deuteronomy 20:4

Today is also the day where Jewish believers around the globe celebrate Purim. The whole book of Esther is read (also known as the Megillah) and not one word of that book is omitted. Everytime the name of Haman is mentioned, according to Chabad custom, gagglers (noisemakers) are twirled and feet are stamped to silence his evil name. A loud noise erupts and his memory is forever eradicated!

Haman was the one who was both evil and powerful and it was his goal to annihilate all the Jewish people who then lived in Persia. He waged war on God's people and his plot was none other than death and murder. Because the enemy has no legitimate right to win the battle honestly, he, instead, stoops down and tries to pursue his objective by ending precious and valuable lives. He hated the Jewish people back then and anti-semitism is again on the rise throughout the world.

Just as it was then, so it also is today. In our nation, we have a powerful and very wicked enemy that also seeks to destroy and kill the youngest of our babies through abortion. From the very earliest of gestation and now even to after a full-term infant is born alive. As a society, we have advanced an initiative of death from the unborn to now even infanticide. We have arrogantly assumed a god-like position to determine whose lives are valuable and whose lives are not, but it is the furthest thing ever from being like our God.

Next week, on March 29th, the new movie called Unplanned movie will be released in theaters. Brent and I were able to see a screening of this movie a few weeks ago and we both were extremely moved at the truths that were shared, as well as a beautiful story of grace and redemption. I would encourage each of you to see this movie and support their efforts.

Our enemy today still wants to steal, kill, destroy, and deceive people in this country. And, he works through people who knowingly and unknowingly bow their knees to his unseen forces. One of the biggest machines in this case is, of course, Planned Parenthood.

Full Disclosure: both Brent and I had to do rotations in our medical training at the Planned Parenthood in Louisville, Kentucky in 1995. The facility that we were at did not perform abortions, but there was one lady who worked there that did all the abortion referrals. Brent's job as an OB/Gyn resident and my job as a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner was to do the annual exams and STI (sexually transmitted infections) screening and to prescribe contraceptives. I can definitively say that what we did was only a tiny fraction of the overall services Planned Parenthood provides. Back then and now, their major revenue stream is ONLY abortions. Nothing else, no matter what lies they may tell.

More Full Disclosure: Brent and I also had an abortion before we were married in 1995. Both from a medical standpoint and an emotional standpoint, we both are fully aware of the long-term effects that this has on lives. I personally have struggled with depression and post-traumatic effects from having an abortion. No one at Planned Parenthood ever tells you that there is a sorrow and an emptiness that stays with you everyday of your life. If it were not for God's grace and forgiveness, I do not know how we could have survived the devastation that that wrong decision brought into our lives.

And, now we fight. We will fight for the unborn. We will fight for the Mom's. We will fight for justice and righteousness in our land. We will fight to exalt God's Word above all else. Because, we know firsthand that it is only God that can make things right once again.

This week, at our crisis pregnancy center in town (Portico), a large billboard was placed right next to them and, in bold print, says "Abortion is Health Care and a Human Right". Since abortion clinics have less oversight than a nail salon and care nothing for the rights of our youngest children or even the women medically or emotionally after they have had an abortion, I disagree with them on both counts. This is all about the almighty dollar and it is all about destroying a generation of future leaders that will shape our culture and world.

When hatred, greed, and murder are married, they produce a powerful, unholy three-cord strand that is not easily broken. Except God. He is the only One that defeats every one of our powerful foes. He is with us and fighting for us and on this day of Purim, it is time to make some noise and thank God for the victory He is about to give to the ones who have no voice.

There is a prayer that Jewish people pray today called V'al Hanissim. This prayers describes the Purim story and gives thanks to God for the "miracles, redemptions, mighty deeds, saving acts and wonders" that He gave to his people centuries ago. Will He do any less for those of us who believe today?

God uses people who have bowed their knees to Him, alone. If this describes you, pray about the ways that you, too, can enter into this fight. We need all hands on deck. Some suggestions include: pray, fast, support your local crisis pregnancy center, get involved with March for Life, vote for legislators who are strong on this point, peacefully pray in front of abortion clinics, see and support movies like Unplanned and Gosnell: The Trial of America's biggest Serial Killer, get involved in ministries that help pregnant Moms or provide post-abortive counseling and healing. There are so many ways to be part of the solution.

The Church in America can no longer be silent. We must defend the defenseless. We must pray to end abortion. We must be supportive and kind to those who are pregnant and in need.  We must spread the word about all that still needs to be done. We must fight against the Haman of our day. We must do it together. And I just know that God will also fight on our behalf. When we see our enemy defeated, it will definitely be a time of joy and a time to celebrate!

                                             EVERY BABY MATTERS!