Welcome to my blog. It is my sincere prayer that these entries will encourage you and enable you to see how valuable you are to Jesus who is the ultimate Jewel. As children of the One True King we have been given riches that supersede our wildest imaginations! Every truth revealed to us through God's Word is more precious than the most fine and rare of gemstones. Blessings to each of you...
Much love,
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Relentlessly Pursued
"And they will call them 'The Holy People, the Redeemed of the Lord'; and you will be called 'Sought Out, A City not deserted.'"
Isaiah 62:12
Working as a nurse, I saw many types of patients. There were patients who were anxious and had a million questions about their illness, treatment regimens, and medications. There were also patients who needed a lot of attention and their call button in their room was their best friend. There were the complainers, the histrionic, the demanding, the deniers, the stoic, the "Pollyannas", and those that were more concerned with others than themselves. There were also the patients that called everyone they knew within their area code to rush in and be by their side. There were those who sought prayer support. There were those who trusted the medical staff and those who second-guessed every available option. And, lastly, there were those who genuinely did not feel well and wanted to be left alone.
My point is not to make light of people who are ill and suffering. There is nothing like a diagnosis, an illness, a disease, or injury or an accident that can turn a families' world upside down more quickly. My point is to show that each one of us are wired to handle situations differently and when the stress level in our lives gets amped up, it is certain that the way we are hard-wired will be evident. It is also certain that if there are any frayed wires, these will show, as well.
What is true physically is also true spiritually. When life throws curve balls at us, we will usually default to the pre-existing wiring that is deep within. Some will "tuck and roll" and others will resort to all manner of coping that may or may not be helpful in the healing process.
If I could go back and re-do my spiritual journey up to this point, this would be the one major thing I would change. What I realize about myself is that I am the type of patient that just wants to be left alone. During the seasons of my life when circumstances were overwhelmingly painful, I tended to withdraw from my relationship with Jesus instead of running to Him for the assistance that only He could give. When I couldn't understand His plan and purpose in my life I hunkered down and just tried to survive the onslaught.
Retrospectively, I realize that it was during those times that God actually was pursuing me the most. I could not see it then (probably because I didn't want to see it), but today I definitely can. I think that the only thing I focused on during those times was for my circumstances to change, never realizing that my Sovereign and loving Heavenly Father desired more for those circumstances to change me. It was in the futility of ineffective coping strategies that I had to dig deeper to find a better way.
God had not stepped away from me. In fact, I now know that He actually drew closer. Scripture tells us that "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18). It was His mercy that enabled Him to prioritize what was the most important thing, even though I could not understand it that way at the time.
The same is true in medicine. Often, the procedures and treatments cause more pain before the true healing can begin. The physician has the foresight and knowledge to proceed, often in spite of much objection and definite consternation. If we recoil, or refuse treatment, we will prolong the duration of our suffering.
We are blessed to have The Great Physician, who not only treats our frailties, but He also chases after us in relentless pursuit of a loving relationship. He continually seeks, not only that which is lost (Luke 19:10), but also to have a relationship with us, and to become our One and Only. He is approachable and He is love. In fact, He is the ultimate lover of our souls and literally sacrificed everything to show us this very important truth.
The difficult aspect of this truth is that right now we are stuck in a world where inequities seem to abound. There is no shortage of news stories where evil abounds and we are caught in the midst trying to make sense of it all. The answer is that this side of heaven we will never fully understand the complexities of this life and, we have yet to see the conclusion of the story.
Some of my most difficult experiences in life, I have now lived long enough to see redemption and even restoration. While I definitely was gunning for a quick resolution, more often than not, it has required much time, prayer, and belief that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do. While I still have some outstanding unanswered prayers, He has never failed me yet and I do not believe He will in the future.
When we look at our lives right now, we must remember that God's initiative on the table is to prepare His bride for His return. He told us in advance that He was returning for a bride that is radiant and without spots or wrinkles (Ephesians 5:27). He cherishes us and nourishes us (Ephesians 5:29) in the midst of many people falling away from Him. When we witness people who seem to be getting away with their sin, remember to pray for them because in this time and season that is truly a frightening thing.
We should rejoice if we are among those that God is intently preparing for His return. While preparation for anything is usually challenging, we have both the hope and the joy of what lies before us. God has prepared more for us than we could ever hope or imagine, and I am confident that He is expectantly anticipating the glory of that day.
If today you are struggling under the trials and hardships of this world, ask God to give you a revelation of His love and constant pursuit of you. When we understand this, we are free to wholly love and pursue Him too. We are supernaturally translated out of the natural into His open, loving arms. He died to spend eternity with you, and He yearns for that intimacy to begin now.
Let go and allow yourself to be held. And comforted. And loved. And pursued. Quiet your heart to hear the declarations from your beloved.
Whether you currently recognize it or not, you are Relentlessly Pursued!!!!
"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, You are still with me!"
Psalm 139:17-18
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